Sunday, April 7, 2013

Argument 2 Rebuttal-Rough Draft

In the last ten years, the people of the United States have had to endure the loss of family and friends due to the senseless killings at state senate buildings and public schools and universities. This country has left speechless after teenagers and adults were killed in a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado and in Tucson, Arizona. However, after the killing in Newtown, Connecticut in which 20 elementary school aged children were killed, the people of the United States have realized the need for more strict regulation on gun control to prevent more mass shootings. More extensive gun control legislation such as a ban on assault rifles, a ban on high-capacity magazines, and more strict regulation on background checks will not only help reduce the frequency of this mass shootings but could eliminate them entirely.
            Several states have already taken the lead in the fight against gun violence and have passed legislation for stricter gun control. Connecticut, Colorado, New York, and Maryland have all passed legislation in the wake of the Newtown mass shooting. Connecticut passed legislation banning the sale of rifle magazines with a capacity of more than 10 rounds of ammunition. Maryland also passed legislation requiring fingerprints of new gun buyers, a ban on the sale of assault rifles and high capacity ammunition clips. Since the legislation passed a couple months ago, there have no mass shootings. While it may still be too early to tell, these states and the new legislation is a significant step in the fight against gun violence in the United States.
            As more states continue to follow in Connecticut’s and Maryland’s footsteps, it will become harder and harder to obtain assault rifles and other weapons that are used to take life in mass shootings. As more states ban these weapons designed to take life, the people of the United States will see a decrease in mass shootings or them eliminated totally and will not have to console and cope with the loss of family and friends.

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